Tuesday, August 8, 2017


I had to attend a meeting at SMK Gelang Patah (again) so this should be the best chance to get Pn. Rokiah Junoh a.k.a Kak Kiah, an ex-colleague who is more like a sister to me, for a gossiping session. The last time I met her was on the 12th day of Eid about two months ago. [Read about it HERE]. So we went to this place called Anjung in Nusajaya and had lunch at the food court there.

Sitting in a meeting for long hours is definitely not good but there should always be a way to make it some sort of a blessing in disguise.

Thanks Kak Kiah for the time gossip over lunch. Too bad we couldn't stay long as she had to get back to the office. Hopefully there will be other meeting which will be held at Gelang Patah after this.

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